

The cloud service allows you to view the current position of the recorder in the field. Users in the office can follow the progress of work, because all routes of the recorder are visible on the map. The map shows both the route of the recorder and the accuracy of the GNSS measurement at each point. Planned scopes of works are also visible on the map.



Photos taken by the recorder are transformed by the cloud service into 360 degrees panoramas. These panoramas can be viewed simirarly to street view of Google maps. All routes of recorder are associated with the corresponding panoramas and presented to the users in the web browser. Access to the street view can be shared with third party users for some period of time.



Laser recorder produces massive amount of data consisiting of cloud points, photos, orientation and position measurement. All these data is uploaded to the cloud for processing. SLAM routines for trajectory calculation are very time consuming since they require a lot of processing power and resources. Similarly with transformations of photos into panoramas. Our infrastructure is capable of providing these services efficiently to many clients simultanously.


Cloud computing allows you to store your data in a safe place that you can access at any time. We use the infrastructure of dedicated server providers in computing centers. This infrastructure is used to store files with data such as projects, routes, trajectories, panoramas, reports, etc. The user of the Neocart program has access to the cloud service its disk space where he will save his files. This solution protects against data loss because cloud drives have an automatically created backup copy. Access to the cloud is password protected, so no unauthorized person will be able to download files. Files can be saved and downloaded anywhere there is an Internet connection. Thanks to this, we can update them while out of the office and at the same time share them with other employees in the office.